Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cinquain poems.

Today's literature lesson was really fun :) We've get to learn how to write a Cinquain poems. I find it so interesting and easy. Although it doesn't need to rhyme,but somehow or rather,I find the way I read cinquain poems so nice! However,I write to write a cinquain poem that everyone would write is not easy. It required some thinking skills and creativity. [Hehe,that's also the main reason why I love literature.] I actually wrote a few cinquain poems and I'll show you guys one of it here :)

A poem done by me. Not really satisfied with my work. I think the word,'Great' and 'Crazing' is not good enough. I just..find it a bit weird. I think that the lesson would be better if more images of Cinquain poems were included. I guess I would be able to take more inspiration from there :P

Anyway,I've found a few creative and interesting pictures online~


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