Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Video clip review - The Funeral

Reflection after watching the video clip.

Why mixed race couple?

Well,mixed race couple is to highlight that not only people of the same race can
turned out to be loving couples. Many couples in this world of different races can be
very loving too. Also,this also represent Singapore, a multi-racial country. Also, by using mixed
race couple in this video clips,it would seem more extraordinary and unique than
any other normal funerals held.

Why she concentrated on the bad traits?

As usual,being a director wants his/her production to be the most outstanding and attractive
among the rest. In many funerals we see,people would usually concentrates on it's good traits.
Nobody would like to mention some bad about the person that have passed away.

In this special clip,this lady in her 40s,focus on her husband's bad characteristic,Snoring really loud when sleeping. To many people,this characteristic might seems to be very annoying and irritating. However,this
characteristics seems so beautiful to her,so special to her. To her,this is an resemblance to show that her husband is still alive.

"In the end,it was this little things that you remember, the little imperfection that make them perfect for you."

Do you think it's effective in this way to promote family values?

Yes,it does! Instead of stating documentaries and giving out brouchers on promoting family
values, this is definitely a more interesting way to present it. This video would actually captures people's attention because of the 2 main reasons. Firstly,the director is using mixed race couple instead of normal malay to malay or chinese-to-chinese couples. Secondly,during the funeral,Mrs Lee only concentrated on her husband's bad traits.

I'm actually touched by how Mrs Lee describe her husband as.
Through this video,I've sensed that love this definitely not restricted by different races.
This video clips also reminds me to start loving and treasuring people around me - without judging them because of their bad habits.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My favorite character!

Hey! It's not funny. I mean,I'm serious.
I really love this character a lot. Be it his personality or
appearance,he never fail to make up my day. I've started watching this cartoon show at the age
of 8. It was a very famous cartoon show back then at China. Almost every household would
have a series of this show. I started off finding this show really hilarious. He also had many
positive personality that I think we should learn from.

Firstly , he is very loyal and kind towards his friends.
Whenever his friends were in trouble, he would always help them without thinking. He also
love to share his snacks his mother bought for him. I remembered clearly in on of the episode,they were on a bus excursion to the zoo. On the way there,all his classmates were enjoying the snacks that each of their mum prepared for them. However,this girl in his class forget to bring the snack and started to cry loudly. Xiao Xin then move and sat beside her and share with her the snack that his mum had prepared. He also joke around to make the girl smile. Although his actions can be very foolish,all he wanted to do was to cheer that girl up.
Hence,he is being very popular and loved by his friends.

Secondly , he was never sad.
To me,Xiao Xin always maintain the positive and cheerful side of him. Although you
might see his crying and being rebellious in certain episodes , he can be satisfy with very minor things. He was never too greedy and demanding. Sometimes,all he want is a packet of chocolate and that would actually make up his entire day.

Thirdly , he is very persuasive.
Whenever he wanted a toy or snacks,he would use different ways to persuasive and annoy his mother until he get something. He can also be very creative sometimes,making his mother smile. In one of the episode,it depicts a scene of him having a difficult time to decide what to give his mother for mother's day present. He went to the florist to get his mother a flower but he didn't realize that he was short of cash. Hence,he return home feeling very upset because everyone is getting their mothers something. Finally, he came to a conclusion that he should make a voucher for his mother. It was a massage voucher. Xiao Xin then took out some papers and started drawing the voucher for his mother. In the end,his mother said that it's the best and most valuable present she've ever received.
From this episode,I've sensed that sometimes,it's really the thought that sounds.
It doesn't matter how expensive the item is.

In conclusion,Crayon Shin Chan is really a great character with great personality.
During the weekends,I would watch this show together with my brother and we'll always have a good laugh :)
I think without this show,my childhood would probably be quite dull!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What do you think about unseen?

Unseen poems.

I think that unseen poem would be my biggest challenge for literature. As my english isn't very good,I would often find some difficulties in understanding certain areas. Hence,I do not
have a lot of confident when I answered those questions. Sometimes,I knew I'm doomed
when I saw a lot of difficult phrases repeating itself in the poem.However,I'm taking it as a challenge for myself too. On the brighter side,I considered unseen poems as one
of the useful resource in improving my english.

I hope that I would be able to score well in this part because I really want to
take Pure Literature next year!


Romeo and Juliet Performance!


I'm here to post about the progress of my group for the upcoming Romeo and Juliet
performance held at Term 4 Week 1. To be honest,I think my group is going to perform really
well if nothing have gone wrong that day. Reason being is that we've got teammates that
are all willingly to work together as a team. Despite the demanding director(which is me!),
everything was still done on time :-)

So far,we're not facing any major problems,which I'm really grateful for. However,just a few days
ago,I found out that one of my classmate from other team actually took some ideas from us during
the dry run which I'm not really happy with. She once accuse us for copying their group's dance
steps but in fact,ALL of us got it from the Video clip, Love Story by Taylor Swift. So our group have got to change the dance steps because of them. It's pretty obvious
that I'm still very angry if it. I wanted to confront them but Nabilah told me not to do so because
she doesn't want to stir things up. I'm not accusing her group for copying,I actually went to ask some of that particular group's team members. I've asked 3 of them and all of them agreed that
they did have some intention to copy ours. Hence,I've got to come out with something
new, which is super unfair :(

Besides this,our group are also having minor problems on the costumes. Maybe only me, i guess.
I just think that the costumes we have now is not aggressive and impressive. I pray hard we would solve this problem really really soon!

In the mean while,do look forward to my team's performance all right! :D

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Summary ; Macbeth

So here is my 3rd official literature blog post! Well,we've finally come to the end of studying Macbeth. Maybe I shall not use the word,"end" as I would still want to continue to explore the different character traits different characters react. I'm so happy when I actually managed to find the comic book of Macbeth in the school library! Okayokay,so here is a brief summary on the story,Macbeth based on Act 1 scene 1 and 2.


The play begins on an open stretch of land in medieval Scotland. Three Witches enter and give the prophecy that the civil war will end that day and that at sunset they will meet Macbeth. The Witches are summoned to leave, but they do not leave without stating that what is normally “fair” will be “foul,” and what is “foul” will be “fair.”King Duncan learns that Macbeth has been victorious and has defeated Macdonwald. The Thane of Cawdor has betrayed Duncan and is accused of being a traitor. Duncan orders the Thane of Cawdor’s execution and announces that Macbeth...
Source is from ; http://www.enotes.com/macbeth/summary .

Overall,I find Macbeth this story really entertaining. It actually arouse our curiosity and imagination with the questions like,"How does Macbeth actually look like?" "What is Macbeth's immediate reaction when he know that he is going to be the king?" "Why does the witch choose Macbeth?" "What's the special in Macbeth?" and the list goes on and on.

My favorite character.

My favourite characters are non other than the three witches! I find them really amazing. Amazing as in very very persuasive. They actually made Macbeth believe that he could over thrown the King. I think that the main character in this story,besides Macbeth,should be the witches. They also played an very important role in the story,causing this story to have it's climax. (I wonder if i could have such persuasive tone one day :P )

What did I learn from Macbeth?

I learnt that it teaches morals such as loyalty and honour, 'what goes around comes around', not to trust evil sources who promise happiness through evilness. Not forgetting,to never trust any people easily. For example,how the King trust Macbeth and how Macbeth trusted the witches.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


A summary of this week's lesson.

This week,basically,teacher went through the story of Macbeth. Ms Mal recapped with us what's in Act 1 Scene 1,the scene where the witches appeared. So here is a brief summarr of Act 1 scene 1.

“When shall we three meet again?In thunder, lightning or in rain?When the hurly burly’s done.When the battle’s lost, and won' Fair is foul, and foul is fair.Hover through the fog and filthy air.”
The play opens with three witches predicting the future in a windswept and barren land during a violent thunderstorm.

I think that this is a very good opening as as a reader,I think the starting of the story actually arouse my curiosity and have the anticipation to continue reading. In another word,the opening of the story captures the readers' attention.

After which,Miss Mal went through Act 1 Scene 2. This scene is a little confusing for me up till today. However,I'm going to clarify my doubts tomorrow.

So the scene started off with King Duncan meeting with the captain from the war. The war was being defeated by Macbeth.[First war] After which,there's a second war and a new enemy,the Norwegian King. Macbeth won the second war again. However,the Norwegian king think that it's a sign of disrespect to those soldiers if there's no proper burial held.

Hence,the Norwegian King sign a treaty and agree to give Macbeth $1000 if he give the dead body of those soldiers that fought for the Norwegian King.

I personally think that the Norwegian King is really a responsible king. He actually offered proper burial to the corpses and not left them there,rotting. On the other hand,I think that Macbeth was quite merciless here. If I am Macbeth,I would not even collect any money from the Norwegian King. This is just to show a respect the the dead ones.

Okay,I think I'm going to end the blog post here! :)

Ps./ Refer here for the macbeth video clip. > http://www.enotes.com/macbeth-video


Sunday, January 30, 2011


I never believe in superstitious. I mean,I believe everything could be explained through Science. However,my mother always believe in it. She always like to scare herself with unnecessarily stuff. For example,she believe that during the seventh month in the lunar Chinese calender,we should never pick up anything from outside and bring it home. It might brought the family some unwanted troubles. I obeyed her instructions given at times because she's my mother.

However,something happened recently and actually change my attitude slightly towards superstitious. Like any normal day,I walked home after school with my friend,Kaixuan. That day,Kaixuan decided that we should take a longer route because we've got ample of time. We took the route that cuts through the building and leads to a exercise corner. The place where all the exercise equipments were. The weather was quite windy though,so I suggested that we could sit on one of the bench there. Suddenly,there's this granny in black,she came up to ask. She told Kaixuan and me that we'll have a great fight and lost something soon. I felt quite shocked.

Questions began to flood my mind. Why is this granny talking to us? Is it true? Can I believe in it? Kaixuan,being the timid one actually believed her. She asked the granny,"Why would Josephine and I quarrel?" The granny looked wise,however,I remind myself to never judge a book by it's cover. The granny smiled and walk away. I looked at Kaixuan helplessly. I was quite scared inside. "What if it really happened? I don't want to lose such a friend!"

I quickly went home and told my mother what happened. Mum,being the anxious type,prayed to the GuanYin for my safety. I became serious this time. At first,I thought it's some kind of prank played by the naughty boys in my class. Then I realized that no one would actually be so boring and asked a old lady to do pranks on us. Mum asked me if I've step on any paper money and incense or accidentally kicked any fruits that are along the drains. I tried to recall but I'm pretty sure I did not. That night,I lost my sleep. I was quite afraid but Mum told me not to worry if I did nothing wrong.

So many days past and I'm still fine with Kaixuan. However,I'm still pondering what stuff would I lost...